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Entry Point

Entry Point

About Entry Point


Entry Point AI helps you train AI models easily, built as a layer on top of the fine-tuning APIs from top LLM providers like OpenAI and AI21. It's user-friendly and doesn't require any code. Entry Point handles all the complexities of fine-tuning and makes it simple for you. You can import and organize your data, write prompt/completion templates, view counts tokens, figures out costs, and checks how well your trained models actually perform. Entry Point also provides a Data Synthesis feature to help you generate more training examples for your custom model using AI. There are millions of use cases for fine-tuned large language models. Entry Point can help you train a model to assist with customer support, review legal documents, write blog articles, rank marketing leads, make personalized email subject lines, or spot risky financial transactions. That's just a small sample of the potential applications for fine-tuned LLMs in business. Entry Point is a versatile and straightforward AI training platform. It can save you a lot of time and headaches when trying to fine-tune a custom model and tailer it to your needs. It's a valuable tool for any business that wants to use AI or individuals looking to become more savvy at training their own custom models.