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About Leny


Leny.ai is an AI-powered medical assistant that provides instant support to both medical professionals and patients. With Leny.ai, medical professionals can ask questions, get differential diagnoses, draft treatment plans, generate discharge instructions and referral letters, and analyze lab values. Patients can also ask questions about various health concerns and receive immediate responses. Leny.ai saves time and effort by streamlining tasks such as pre-authorization letters, appeal letters, and paperwork. It provides reliable and accurate medical information based on cutting-edge technology and focused medical knowledge.The tool also offers a symptom checker for preliminary assessments, medication management, and appointment scheduling with healthcare providers.Leny.ai is designed to simplify and improve the healthcare journey by providing timely and accurate information, saving time on administrative tasks, and enhancing communication between medical professionals and patients. While currently in beta mode, leny.ai aims to become a trusted medical assistant that transforms the healthcare experience with simplicity and efficiency.
